A Tribute to Randy Rhoads "The stories and music behind the Legend"
A Tribute to Randy Rhoads "The stories and music behind the Legend"
XMusic presents

A Tribute to Randy Rhoads "The stories and music behind the Legend"

with Van Hagar
Crowbar Brisbane (Fortitude Valley, QLD)
Friday, 5 December 2025 8:00 pm
251 days away
18 Plus

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18+ General Admission
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18+ VIP Meet & Greet
Includes Exclusive meet & greet with Kelly Garni and Merch pack
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A tribute to Randy Rhoads

"The Stories and Music behind the Legend"

presented by people who helped shaped Randy’s Musical career

Kelly Garni of Quiet Riot


Scott Shelley - Randy's first guitar teacher

Featuring the music of Randy Rhoads from Early Quiet Riot and Ozzy Osbourne Era's

Q&A with Kelly Garni and Scott Shelley

Band Featuring members of Quiet Riot, Van Hagar and Snake Bite Whisky

Special Guest